// pages/confirmProjectOrder/confirmProjectOrder.js import { get, post } from '../../utils/http' const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { currentCoupon: -1, visible: false, CouPonIndex: [], needSelect: false, coupSelectType: '', productDiscount: '', isSelectCoup: [], // 选择的优惠券 // 下面是支付的数据 pay_methon: 1, payNow: false, switchPay: 'product', showMoney: 0, // 价值总额 showRuleText: 10086, dotSelectCard: false, marks: { // 优惠券类型,1直接抵扣券,2满减券,3全额减免券,4卡券 1: '抵扣券', 2: '满减券', 3: '全额减免券', 4: '项目卡券' }, orderDiscount: 0, priceSet: 0, cardList: [], // 我的次卡对应项目列表 selectCodeList: [], //选择的次卡的列表 visibleCard: false, card_data: [], //选择次卡的项目id selectCardProjectList: [], //选择次卡的项目列表 selectCoupPrice: 0, //选择优惠券之后的价格 discountList: [], //折扣列表 level: '', //用户充值折扣等级 (0是未拥有等级) levelPrice: '', //充值等级折扣优惠价格 }, // 获取用户充值折扣等级 getLevel() { get('/v2/api/user/discount_level', {}, (res) => { if (res.code == 200) { res.data = Number(res.data) if (res.data == 0) { this.setData({ level: 0 }) return } this.setData({ level: Number(res.data * 0.1) }) this.setData({ tolevel: (this.data.level * 10).toFixed(1) }) } }) }, clickRuleText(e) { let that = this let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index if (this.data.showRuleText == index) { that.setData({ showRuleText: 10086 }) } else { that.setData({ showRuleText: index }) } }, /** * 点击使用按钮、勾选按钮 */ checkSelect: function (e) { // let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let CouPonIndex = this.data.productDiscount let selectIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let project_list = this.data.orderDetails.project_list //这里是项目列表 let project_ids = this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].project_ids let _ids = 'productDiscount[' + selectIndex + '].project_ids' let isReturn = false //去掉已选择次卡的项目id this.data.card_data.forEach(res => { if (project_ids.indexOf(res.id) > -1) { project_ids.forEach((e, i) => { if (res.id == e) { project_ids.splice(i, 1) } }) } }) this.setData({ _ids: project_ids }) if (this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].type != 4 && this.data.card_data.length != 0) { wx.showToast({ title: '该项目已选择次卡', icon: 'none' }) return } this.data.selectCardProjectList.forEach(res => { if (this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].project_ids.indexOf(res.id) > -1) { wx.showToast({ title: '该项目已选择次卡', icon: 'none' }) isReturn = true } }) if (isReturn) { return } let curreValue = !CouPonIndex[selectIndex].isSelect // 判断是否是不相同的项目券 if (this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].type != 4) { this.setData({ priceSet: 0, showMoney: this.data.orderDetails.price }) for (let i = 0; i < CouPonIndex.length; i++) { CouPonIndex[i].isSelect = false } for (let i = 0; i < project_list.length; i++) { project_list[i].cardId = '' } } else if (this.data.coupSelectType != 4) { for (let i = 0; i < CouPonIndex.length; i++) { CouPonIndex[i].isSelect = false } for (let i = 0; i < project_list.length; i++) { project_list[i].cardId = '' } } else { let numberSelect = 0 for (let i = 0; i < CouPonIndex.length; i++) { if (CouPonIndex[i].isSelect) { numberSelect = numberSelect + 1 } } console.log('numberSelect') console.log(numberSelect) if (numberSelect == this.data.orderDetails.project_list.length && curreValue) { wx.showToast({ title: '最多选择' + this.data.orderDetails.project_list.length + '项目券!', icon: 'none' }) return } } CouPonIndex[selectIndex].isSelect = curreValue if (!curreValue) { for (let j = 0; j < project_list.length; j++) { if (project_list[j].cardId && project_list[j].cardId == this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].id) { // 如果是取消选择,那么也要取消绑定项目的id project_list[j].cardId = '' } } CouPonIndex[selectIndex].projectids = '' } let orderDetails1 = this.data.orderDetails orderDetails1.project_list = project_list this.setData({ orderDetails: orderDetails1, productDiscount: CouPonIndex, coupSelectType: this.data.productDiscount[selectIndex].type }) console.log(this.data.CouPonIndex) this.selectCoup() }, // 计算总额 calculateMoney() { let that = this let initPrice = 0 if (this.data.selectCardProjectList.length > 0) { this.data.selectCardProjectList.forEach(res => { initPrice = Number(initPrice) + Number(res.price) }) } console.log(initPrice, 'initPrice'); let money = this.data.selectCardProjectList.length > 0 ? Number(this.data.orderDetails.price - initPrice) : this.data.orderDetails.price console.log(money, 'moneymoney'); let isSelectCoup = this.data.isSelectCoup let project_list = this.data.orderDetails.project_list //这里是项目列表 // if (isSelectCoup.length == 0) { // that.setData({ // showMoney: money.toFixed(2) // }) // return // } // 如果是项目 if (isSelectCoup.length > 0) { if (isSelectCoup[0].type == 4) { let numberHaveCardId = 0 for (let i = 0; i < project_list.length; i++) { if (project_list[i].cardId) { money = money - project_list[i].price numberHaveCardId = numberHaveCardId + 1 } } } else if (isSelectCoup[0].type == 3) { for (let i = 0; i < project_list.length; i++) { money = money - project_list[i].price } } else { money = money - isSelectCoup[0].price } } /** * type:1项目,2设备分类,3耗材 * discount_type:折扣条件,1数量/类型,2金额 */ let notSelectId = [] this.data.isSelectCoup.forEach(item => { notSelectId.push(item.projectids) }) //去除选择优惠券或者次卡的项目 let _project_list = project_list.filter(res => { return notSelectId.toString().indexOf(res.id) && res.isCard == false }) let _money = money console.log(money, 'money===', _money); let devicePrice = 0 //满足折扣设备的项目总金额 let productPrice = 0 //耗材总金额 //满足折扣设备的项目 let deviceList = _project_list.filter(item => { return item.device_type_id == item.device_id }) if (deviceList.length > 0) { deviceList.forEach(item => { devicePrice = devicePrice + Number(item.price) }) } //拥有耗材的项目 let productList = _project_list.filter(item => { return item.product_name != "" }) console.log(productList, 'productList'); if (productList.length > 0) { productList.forEach(item => { productPrice = productPrice + Number(item.product_price) }) } let _priceSet = this.data.priceSet if (this.data.discountList.length > 0) { let discountList = this.data.discountList //计算所有的折扣金额 discountList.forEach(item => { let priceSet = 0, initmoney = money, _initmoney = money if (item.type == 1 && item.discount_type == 1 && _project_list.length >= item.num) { initmoney = initmoney * item.discount_rate / 10 priceSet = _initmoney - initmoney item["priceSet"] = priceSet } else if (item.type == 1 && item.discount_type == 2 && money > Number(item.amount)) { initmoney = initmoney * item.discount_rate / 10 priceSet = _initmoney - initmoney item["priceSet"] = priceSet } else if (item.type == 2 && item.discount_type == 2 && devicePrice > Number(item.amount)) { //满足条件的项目折扣 initmoney = (initmoney - devicePrice) + devicePrice * item.discount_rate / 10 priceSet = _initmoney - initmoney item["priceSet"] = priceSet } else if (item.type == 3 && item.discount_type == 1 && productList.length >= item.num) { //满足条件的项目折扣 initmoney = (initmoney - productPrice) + productPrice * item.discount_rate / 10 priceSet = _initmoney - initmoney item["priceSet"] = priceSet } else if (item.type == 3 && item.discount_type == 2 && productPrice >= item.amount) { //满足条件的项目折扣 initmoney = (initmoney - productPrice) + productPrice * item.discount_rate / 10 priceSet = _initmoney - initmoney item["priceSet"] = priceSet } }) console.log(discountList, 'discountList'); //排序,最优折扣放第一位 discountList = discountList.sort(this.compare("priceSet")) let discountInfo = discountList[0] if (discountInfo.type == 1 && discountInfo.discount_type == 1 && _project_list.length >= discountInfo.num) { money = money * discountInfo.discount_rate / 10 _priceSet = _money - money } else if (discountInfo.type == 1 && discountInfo.discount_type == 2 && money > Number(discountInfo.amount)) { money = money * discountInfo.discount_rate / 10 _priceSet = _money - money } else if (discountInfo.type == 2 && discountInfo.discount_type == 2 && devicePrice > Number(discountInfo.amount)) { //满足条件的项目折扣 money = (money - devicePrice) + devicePrice * discountInfo.discount_rate / 10 _priceSet = _money - money } else if (discountInfo.type == 3 && discountInfo.discount_type == 1 && productList.length >= discountInfo.num) { //满足条件的项目折扣 money = (money - productPrice) + productPrice * discountInfo.discount_rate / 10 _priceSet = _money - money } else if (discountInfo.type == 3 && discountInfo.discount_type == 2 && productPrice >= discountInfo.amount) { //满足条件的项目折扣 money = (money - productPrice) + productPrice * discountInfo.discount_rate / 10 _priceSet = _money - money } } console.log(_priceSet, '_priceSet'); that.setData({ showMoney: Number(money).toFixed(2) < 0 ? 0.00 : Number(money).toFixed(2), priceSet: Number(_priceSet).toFixed(2), orderDiscount: this.data.discountList.length!=0?this.data.discountList.sort(this.compare("priceSet"))[0].id:0 }) }, //排序 compare(property) { return function (obj1, obj2) { var value1 = obj1[property]; var value2 = obj2[property]; return value2 - value1; // 降序 } }, // 支付的操作 onClosePay() { this.setData({ payNow: false }) }, /** * 关闭弹框 */ onClose() { this.setData({ visible: false }) }, // 关闭次卡弹窗 onCloseCard() { this.setData({ visibleCard: false }) }, // 点击x关闭次卡弹窗 onCancelCard() { this.setData({ visibleCard: false }) }, showCoup() { if (this.data.dotSelectCard) { wx.showToast({ title: '本订单已使用优惠券!', icon: 'none' }) return } this.setData({ visible: true }) }, // 打开次卡窗口 showCard() { this.setData({ visibleCard: true, selectCoupPrice: this.data.showMoney }) }, // 选中次卡触发 cardSel(e) { console.log(this.data.selectCardProjectList, e.currentTarget.dataset, 'e.currentTarget.dataset') let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item let selList = this.data.cardList let isselectCard = false let isRepeat = false this.data.cardList.forEach(res => { if (JSON.stringify(item.project_ids) == JSON.stringify(res.project_ids) && res.isSelectCard && res.id != item.id) { isRepeat = true } }) if (isRepeat) { wx.showToast({ title: '不可重复选择相同次卡', icon: 'none' }) return } this.data.orderDetails.project_list.forEach((res, i) => { if (res.cardId && this.data.cardList[index].project_ids.indexOf(res.id) > -1) { isselectCard = true } }) if (isselectCard) { wx.showToast({ title: '该项目已选择优惠券', icon: 'none' }) return } let isProjectList = [] //判断是否重复选择次卡 let isTrueCode = false this.data.cardList.forEach(res => { if (res.isSelectCard) { isProjectList = isProjectList.concat(res.project_ids) } }) if (e.currentTarget.dataset.item.isSelectCard) { e.currentTarget.dataset.item.project_ids.forEach((_item, index) => { isProjectList.forEach((item, i) => { if (_item == item) { isProjectList.splice(i, 1) } }) }) } if (this.includes(isProjectList, e.currentTarget.dataset.item.project_ids)) { isTrueCode = true } if (isTrueCode) { wx.showToast({ title: '请勿重复选择次卡', icon: 'none' }) return } console.log(isProjectList, 'isProjectList'); let selValue = !selList[index].isSelectCard selList[index].isSelectCard = selValue this.setData({ cardList: selList }) }, includes(arr1, arr2) { return arr2.every(val => arr1.includes(val)); }, onConfirmCard() { let price = this.data.orderDetails.price //订单价格 let card_data = [] let card_data_info = {} let selectCodeList = [] let selectCardProjectList = [] //选择次卡&价格计算 let projectId = [] this.data.orderDetails.project_list.forEach((res, i) => { if (res.cardId) { price = price - res.price } this.data.cardList.forEach(item => { //如果已选择优惠券 console.log(res.cardId, 'cardId.length', item.isSelectCard); if (item.project_ids.indexOf(res.id) > -1 && projectId.indexOf(res.id) == -1 && item.isSelectCard) { projectId.push(res.id) price = price - res.price price = price < 0 ? 0 : price selectCardProjectList.push(res) selectCardProjectList = Array.from(new Set(selectCardProjectList)) selectCodeList.push(item) card_data_info = { id: res.id, card_id: item.id } card_data.push(card_data_info) let _item = 'orderDetails.project_list[' + i + '].isCard' this.setData({ [_item]: true }) } }) }) let priceSet = 0 if (selectCodeList.length == 0 && this.data.discountList.length > 0) { priceSet = this.data.discountList[0].priceSet.toFixed(2) price = this.data.orderDetails.price - priceSet } this.setData({ card_data: card_data, showMoney: price, visibleCard: false, selectCodeList: selectCodeList, selectCardProjectList: selectCardProjectList, priceSet: priceSet }) this.calculateMoney() //计算总额 }, onCancelCoupon() { this.setData({ visible: false }) }, onConfirmCoupon() { // let currentChangeCoupon = this.data.couponList[this.data.currentCoupon] this.setData({ visible: false, // currentChangeCoupon }, () => { // this.calculateOrderPayMoney() } ) }, selectCoup() { let that = this let isSelectCoups = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.data.productDiscount.length; i++) { if (this.data.productDiscount[i].isSelect) { let selectCoup = that.data.productDiscount[i] isSelectCoups.push(selectCoup) } } this.setData({ isSelectCoup: isSelectCoups }) console.log(isSelectCoups) that.theMoneyBest() }, /** * 获取订单详情 */ getOrderData() { let that = this get('v2/api/order/info', { id: this.data.orderDetailsId }, (res) => { res.data.project_list.forEach(item => { item.isCard = false }) if (res.data.discount != 0) { let newsPrice = res.data.price res.data.price = newsPrice * 1 + res.data.discount_price * 1 this.setData({ dotSelectCard: true, orderDetails: res.data, showMoney: newsPrice, priceSet: res.data.discount_price }) return } if (res.data.coupon_list.length > 0) { res.data.coupon_list[0].type = 0 } this.setData({ orderDetails: res.data, showMoney: res.data.price, isSelectCoup: res.data.coupon_list, dotSelectCard: res.data.coupon_list.length !== 0 ? true : false, }, ) that.productDiscount() if (res.data.type == "one") { return } that.orderDiscount() }) }, // 这里是立即支付的接口 // v2/api/order/pay payNow: function () { // 计算折扣 this.setData({ levelPrice: (this.data.showMoney * this.data.level).toFixed(2) }) this.setData({ toLevelPrice: (this.data.showMoney - this.data.levelPrice).toFixed(2) }) this.setData({ payNow: true, }) }, // 活动折扣类型,非必填,0无折扣(默认),50新人五折活动,100仪器免费使用权益 paybtm() { let isSelectCoup = this.data.isSelectCoup let coupType = isSelectCoup.length > 0 ? isSelectCoup[0].type : 5 let coupData = [] // 卡券,项目券数据包,id:订单项目ID,coupon_id:优惠券ID,如:[{"id":1220,coupon_id:199}] // 支付方式,amount余额支付,weixin微信支付 if (coupType == 4) { for (let i = 0; i < isSelectCoup.length; i++) { let notData = { id: isSelectCoup[i].projectids, coupon_id: isSelectCoup[i].id, } coupData.push(notData) } } let dataTo = { id: this.data.orderDetails.id, pay_way: this.data.pay_methon == 1 ? 'weixin' : 'amount', } if (coupType == 4) { dataTo.coupon_data = JSON.stringify(coupData) } else if (coupType != 5) { dataTo.coupon_id = isSelectCoup[0].id } if (this.data.card_data.length != 0) { dataTo.card_data = JSON.stringify(this.data.card_data) } if (this.data.priceSet != 0 && !this.data.dotSelectCard && this.data.card_data.length == 0) { dataTo.discount = this.data.orderDiscount } let that = this console.log(dataTo) post('v2/api/order/pay', dataTo, (res) => { that.setData({ payNow: false }) if (res.data.pay_status == 1) { // wx.showToast({ // title: '支付成功!', // icon: "none" // }) that.payOkey() return } if (that.data.pay_methon == 2) { // wx.showToast({ // title: '支付成功!', // icon: "none" // }) that.payOkey() return } wx.requestPayment({ timeStamp: res.data.pay_data.timeStamp, nonceStr: res.data.pay_data.nonceStr, package: res.data.pay_data.package, signType: res.data.pay_data.signType, paySign: res.data.pay_data.paySign, success(res) { if (res.errMsg == 'requestPayment:ok') { // wx.showToast({ // title: '支付成功!', // icon: "none" // }) that.payOkey() } }, fail(res) { that.orderDiscount() that.getOrderData() wx.showToast({ title: '支付失败!', icon: "none" }) } }) }) }, payOkey() { wx.showToast({ title: '支付成功!', icon: "none" }) let that = this setTimeout(function () { that.toDetails() }, 1000); //延迟时间 这里是1秒 }, toDetails() { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/orderDetailsProject/orderDetailsProject?id=' + this.data.orderDetails.id, }) }, pay_methonw() { this.setData({ pay_methon: 1 }) }, pay_methonc() { this.setData({ pay_methon: 2 }) }, // // 卡券,项目券数据包,id:订单项目ID,coupon_id:优惠券ID,如:[{"id":1220,coupon_id:199}] theMoneyBest() { let that = this let project_list = this.data.orderDetails.project_list //这里是项目列表 let isSelectCoup = this.data.isSelectCoup //这里选择了的卡券列表 let selectProjectList = [] // 适合的卡券列表 // let CouPonIndex = this.data.CouPonIndex // 卡券选择的Id let productDiscount = this.data.productDiscount // 卡券列表 console.log(productDiscount) if (isSelectCoup.length == 0) { this.setData({ priceSet: 0, showMoney: this.data.orderDetails.price }) that.onShowPrice() return } // debugger if (isSelectCoup[0].type == 4) { for (let i = 0; i < isSelectCoup.length; i++) { // 首先遍历卡券 if (!isSelectCoup[i].projectids) { // 如果卡券没绑定项目 console.log('没绑定过!') let selectIndexMoney = 0 // 初始值 let selectIndex = 111 // 初始金额 for (let j = 0; j < project_list.length; j++) { // 遍历项目 if (isSelectCoup[i].project_ids.indexOf(project_list[j].id) != -1 && !project_list[j].cardId) { // 如果卡券能够使用这个项目并且这个项目没有被绑定过 console.log('project_list[j].price') console.log(project_list[j].price) console.log(selectIndexMoney) console.log(project_list[j].price > selectIndexMoney) if (project_list[j].price * 1 > selectIndexMoney * 1) { selectIndex = j selectIndexMoney = project_list[j].price console.log('--' + selectIndexMoney) } // selectProjectList.push(project_list[i]) } } if (selectIndex != 111) { isSelectCoup[i].projectids = project_list[selectIndex].id isSelectCoup[i].projectName = project_list[selectIndex].name project_list[selectIndex].cardId = isSelectCoup[i].id } else { for (let k = 0; k < productDiscount.length; k++) { if (productDiscount[k].id == isSelectCoup[i].id) { // isSelectCoup. productDiscount[k].isSelect = false // isSelectCoup.splice(isSelectCoup.length-1,1); wx.showToast({ title: '没有适合的项目!', icon: "none" }) } } } if (selectIndex == 111) { isSelectCoup.splice(isSelectCoup.length - 1, 1); } } } let orderDetails1 = this.data.orderDetails orderDetails1.project_list = project_list this.setData({ // CouPonIndex: CouPonIndex, productDiscount: productDiscount, isSelectCoup: isSelectCoup, orderDetails: orderDetails1, }) } this.calculateMoney() //计算总额 }, /** * 获取订单详情 */ productDiscount() { let that = this let ids = '' // for (let i = 0; i < this.data.orderDetails.project_list.length; i++) { // ids = ids + ',' + this.data.orderDetails.project_list[i].id // } let storeData = getApp().globalData.storeData let storeId = storeData.id || wx.getStorageSync('store_id') get('v2/api/order/coupon', { id: this.data.orderDetails.id, store_id: storeId, page: 1, limit: 200, }, (res) => { let showLine = res.data.list let CouPonIndex = [] for (let i = 0; i < showLine.length; i++) { if (showLine[i].full_price * 1 < that.data.orderDetails.price * 1 || showLine[i].full_price * 1 == that.data.orderDetails.price * 1) { showLine[i].isSelect = false CouPonIndex.push(showLine[i]) } } this.setData({ productDiscount: CouPonIndex, // CouPonIndex: CouPonIndex }, ) }) }, /** * 获取当前用户折扣 */ orderDiscount() { get('/v3/api/order/discount', { id: this.data.orderDetailsId }, (res) => { this.setData({ discountList: res.data.list }, ) this.onShowPrice() // 判断是否有别的折扣 if(res.data.total==0){ // 获取用户折扣等级 this.getLevel() } }) }, // 计算折扣价格 onShowPrice() { if (this.data.discountList.length == 0) { return } this.calculateMoney() // let money = Number(this.data.orderDetails.price) * Number(this.data.discountList[0].discount_rate) / 10 // this.setData({ // priceSet: (Number(this.data.orderDetails.price) - money).toFixed(2), // showMoney: money.toFixed(2) // }) // orderDiscount }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { if (options.q) { let conUrlAll = decodeURIComponent(options.q) this.setData({ orderDetailsId: conUrlAll.replace('https://test-img.ijolijoli.com/wxmini/pay?id=', '') }) } else { this.setData({ orderDetailsId: options.id }) } this.getOrderData() // 获取项目可用的次卡列表 this.getAvaCardList() let lat1 = app.address.latitude let lng1 = app.address.longitude this.setData({ lat1: lat1, lng1: lng1, }) }, onCopy: function (e) { let content = e.currentTarget.dataset.no var that = this; wx.setClipboardData({ data: content, success: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: '复制成功!', icon: "none" }) } }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { this.getAmount() }, /** * 获取我的储值 * api/user */ getAmount() { get('api/user/amount', {}, (res) => { if (res.data) { this.setData({ inserllAmount: res.data.amount }) } }) }, // 获取项目可用的次卡列表 getAvaCardList() { console.log(this, 'shit') get('v2/api/order/card', { page: 1, limit: 200, id: this.data.orderDetailsId }, (res) => { console.log(res, 'getAvaCardList') res.data.list.forEach((item) => { item.isSelectCard = false }) this.setData({ cardList: res.data.list, }) }, (error) => { console.log("请求失败", error) }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })