123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248 |
- 'use strict'
- var Parser = require('jsonparse')
- , through = require('through')
- var bufferFrom = Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from
- /*
- the value of this.stack that creationix's jsonparse has is weird.
- it makes this code ugly, but his problem is way harder that mine,
- so i'll forgive him.
- */
- exports.parse = function (path, map) {
- var header, footer
- var parser = new Parser()
- var stream = through(function (chunk) {
- if('string' === typeof chunk)
- chunk = bufferFrom ? Buffer.from(chunk) : new Buffer(chunk)
- parser.write(chunk)
- },
- function (data) {
- if(data)
- stream.write(data)
- if (header)
- stream.emit('header', header)
- if (footer)
- stream.emit('footer', footer)
- stream.queue(null)
- })
- if('string' === typeof path)
- path = path.split('.').map(function (e) {
- if (e === '$*')
- return {emitKey: true}
- else if (e === '*')
- return true
- else if (e === '') // '..'.split('.') returns an empty string
- return {recurse: true}
- else
- return e
- })
- var count = 0, _key
- if(!path || !path.length)
- path = null
- parser.onValue = function (value) {
- if (!this.root)
- stream.root = value
- if(! path) return
- var i = 0 // iterates on path
- var j = 0 // iterates on stack
- var emitKey = false;
- var emitPath = false;
- while (i < path.length) {
- var key = path[i]
- var c
- j++
- if (key && !key.recurse) {
- c = (j === this.stack.length) ? this : this.stack[j]
- if (!c) return
- if (! check(key, c.key)) {
- setHeaderFooter(c.key, value)
- return
- }
- emitKey = !!key.emitKey;
- emitPath = !!key.emitPath;
- i++
- } else {
- i++
- var nextKey = path[i]
- if (! nextKey) return
- while (true) {
- c = (j === this.stack.length) ? this : this.stack[j]
- if (!c) return
- if (check(nextKey, c.key)) {
- i++;
- if (!Object.isFrozen(this.stack[j]))
- this.stack[j].value = null
- break
- } else {
- setHeaderFooter(c.key, value)
- }
- j++
- }
- }
- }
- // emit header
- if (header) {
- stream.emit('header', header);
- header = false;
- }
- if (j !== this.stack.length) return
- count ++
- var actualPath = this.stack.slice(1).map(function(element) { return element.key }).concat([this.key])
- var data = value
- if(null != data)
- if(null != (data = map ? map(data, actualPath) : data)) {
- if (emitKey || emitPath) {
- data = { value: data };
- if (emitKey)
- data["key"] = this.key;
- if (emitPath)
- data["path"] = actualPath;
- }
- stream.queue(data)
- }
- if (this.value) delete this.value[this.key]
- for(var k in this.stack)
- if (!Object.isFrozen(this.stack[k]))
- this.stack[k].value = null
- }
- parser._onToken = parser.onToken;
- parser.onToken = function (token, value) {
- parser._onToken(token, value);
- if (this.stack.length === 0) {
- if (stream.root) {
- if(!path)
- stream.queue(stream.root)
- count = 0;
- stream.root = null;
- }
- }
- }
- parser.onError = function (err) {
- if(err.message.indexOf("at position") > -1)
- err.message = "Invalid JSON (" + err.message + ")";
- stream.emit('error', err)
- }
- return stream
- function setHeaderFooter(key, value) {
- // header has not been emitted yet
- if (header !== false) {
- header = header || {}
- header[key] = value
- }
- // footer has not been emitted yet but header has
- if (footer !== false && header === false) {
- footer = footer || {}
- footer[key] = value
- }
- }
- }
- function check (x, y) {
- if ('string' === typeof x)
- return y == x
- else if (x && 'function' === typeof x.exec)
- return x.exec(y)
- else if ('boolean' === typeof x || 'object' === typeof x)
- return x
- else if ('function' === typeof x)
- return x(y)
- return false
- }
- exports.stringify = function (op, sep, cl, indent) {
- indent = indent || 0
- if (op === false){
- op = ''
- sep = '\n'
- cl = ''
- } else if (op == null) {
- op = '[\n'
- sep = '\n,\n'
- cl = '\n]\n'
- }
- //else, what ever you like
- var stream
- , first = true
- , anyData = false
- stream = through(function (data) {
- anyData = true
- try {
- var json = JSON.stringify(data, null, indent)
- } catch (err) {
- return stream.emit('error', err)
- }
- if(first) { first = false ; stream.queue(op + json)}
- else stream.queue(sep + json)
- },
- function (data) {
- if(!anyData)
- stream.queue(op)
- stream.queue(cl)
- stream.queue(null)
- })
- return stream
- }
- exports.stringifyObject = function (op, sep, cl, indent) {
- indent = indent || 0
- if (op === false){
- op = ''
- sep = '\n'
- cl = ''
- } else if (op == null) {
- op = '{\n'
- sep = '\n,\n'
- cl = '\n}\n'
- }
- //else, what ever you like
- var first = true
- var anyData = false
- var stream = through(function (data) {
- anyData = true
- var json = JSON.stringify(data[0]) + ':' + JSON.stringify(data[1], null, indent)
- if(first) { first = false ; this.queue(op + json)}
- else this.queue(sep + json)
- },
- function (data) {
- if(!anyData) this.queue(op)
- this.queue(cl)
- this.queue(null)
- })
- return stream
- }