var less = { logLevel: 4, errorReporting: 'console', javascriptEnabled: true, math: 'always' }; // There originally run inside describe method. However, since they have not // been inside it, they run at jasmine compile time (not runtime). It all // worked cause less.js was in async mode and custom phantom runner had // different setup then grunt-contrib-jasmine. They have been created before // less.js run, even as they have been defined in spec. // test inline less in style tags by grabbing an assortment of less files and doing `@import`s var testFiles = ['charsets', 'colors', 'comments', 'css-3', 'strings', 'media', 'mixins'], testSheets = []; // IE 8-10 does not support less in style tags if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0) { testFiles.length = 0; } // setup style tags with less and link tags pointing to expected css output for (var i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i++) { var file = testFiles[i], lessPath = '/test/less/' + file + '.less', cssPath = '/test/css/' + file + '.css', lessStyle = document.createElement('style'), cssLink = document.createElement('link'), lessText = '@import "' + lessPath + '";'; lessStyle.type = 'text/less'; = file; lessStyle.href = file; if (lessStyle.styleSheet === undefined) { lessStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lessText)); } cssLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; cssLink.type = 'text/css'; cssLink.href = cssPath; = 'expected-' + file; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(lessStyle); if (lessStyle.styleSheet) { lessStyle.styleSheet.cssText = lessText; } head.appendChild(cssLink); testSheets[i] = lessStyle; }