'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.option('stack', true) // Report the elapsed execution time of tasks. require('time-grunt')(grunt); var COMPRESS_FOR_TESTS = false; var git = require('git-rev'); // Sauce Labs browser var browsers = [ // Desktop browsers { browserName: 'chrome', version: 'latest', platform: 'Windows 7' }, { browserName: 'firefox', version: 'latest', platform: 'Linux' }, { browserName: 'safari', version: '9', platform: 'OS X 10.11' }, { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '8', platform: 'Windows XP' }, { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: '11', platform: 'Windows 8.1' }, { browserName: 'edge', version: '13', platform: 'Windows 10' }, // Mobile browsers { browserName: 'ipad', deviceName: 'iPad Air Simulator', deviceOrientation: 'portrait', version: '8.4', platform: 'OS X 10.9' }, { browserName: 'iphone', deviceName: 'iPhone 5 Simulator', deviceOrientation: 'portrait', version: '9.3', platform: 'OS X 10.11' }, { browserName: 'android', deviceName: 'Google Nexus 7 HD Emulator', deviceOrientation: 'portrait', version: '4.4', platform: 'Linux' } ]; var sauceJobs = {}; var browserTests = [ 'filemanager-plugin', 'visitor-plugin', 'global-vars', 'modify-vars', 'production', 'rootpath-relative', 'rootpath-rewrite-urls', 'rootpath', 'relative-urls', 'rewrite-urls', 'browser', 'no-js-errors', 'legacy' ]; function makeJob(testName) { sauceJobs[testName] = { options: { urls: testName === 'all' ? browserTests.map(function(name) { return 'http://localhost:8081/tmp/browser/test-runner-' + name + '.html'; }) : ['http://localhost:8081/tmp/browser/test-runner-' + testName + '.html'], testname: testName === 'all' ? 'Unit Tests for Less.js' : testName, browsers: browsers, public: 'public', recordVideo: false, videoUploadOnPass: false, recordScreenshots: process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH !== 'master', build: process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH === 'master' ? process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID : undefined, tags: [process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER, process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST, process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH], statusCheckAttempts: -1, sauceConfig: { 'idle-timeout': 100 }, throttled: 5, onTestComplete: function(result, callback) { // Called after a unit test is done, per page, per browser // 'result' param is the object returned by the test framework's reporter // 'callback' is a Node.js style callback function. You must invoke it after you // finish your work. // Pass a non-null value as the callback's first parameter if you want to throw an // exception. If your function is synchronous you can also throw exceptions // directly. // Passing true or false as the callback's second parameter passes or fails the // test. Passing undefined does not alter the test result. Please note that this // only affects the grunt task's result. You have to explicitly update the Sauce // Labs job's status via its REST API, if you want so. // This should be the encrypted value in Travis var user = process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME; var pass = process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY; git.short(function(hash) { require('phin')({ method: 'PUT', url: ['https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1', user, 'jobs', result.job_id].join('/'), auth: { user: user, pass: pass }, data: { passed: result.passed, build: 'build-' + hash } }, function (error, response) { if (error) { console.log(error); callback(error); } else if (response.statusCode !== 200) { console.log(response); callback(new Error('Unexpected response status')); } else { callback(null, result.passed); } }); }); } } }; } // Make the SauceLabs jobs (['all'].concat(browserTests)).map(makeJob); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), meta: { copyright: 'Copyright (c) 2009-<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %>', banner: '/*!\n' + ' * Less - <%= pkg.description %> v<%= pkg.version %>\n' + ' * http://lesscss.org\n' + ' *\n' + ' * <%= meta.copyright %>, <%= pkg.author.name %> <<%= pkg.author.email %>>\n' + ' * Licensed under the <%= pkg.license %> License.\n' + ' *\n' + ' */\n\n' + ' /**' + ' * @license <%= pkg.license %>\n' + ' */\n\n' }, shell: { options: { stdout: true, failOnError: true, execOptions: { maxBuffer: Infinity } }, test: { command: 'node test/index.js' }, benchmark: { command: 'node benchmark/index.js' }, opts: { // test running with all current options (using `opts` since `options` means something already) command: [ // @TODO: make this more thorough // CURRENT OPTIONS // --math 'node bin/lessc --math=always test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'node bin/lessc --math=parens-division test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'node bin/lessc --math=parens test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'node bin/lessc --math=strict test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'node bin/lessc --math=strict-legacy test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', // DEPRECATED OPTIONS // --strict-math 'node bin/lessc --strict-math=on test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', ].join(' && ') }, plugin: { command: [ 'node bin/lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'cd lib', 'node ../bin/lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced" ../test/less/lazy-eval.less ../tmp/lazy-eval.css', 'cd ..', // Test multiple plugins 'node bin/lessc --plugin=clean-css="--s1 --advanced" --plugin=autoprefix="ie 11,Edge >= 13,Chrome >= 47,Firefox >= 45,iOS >= 9.2,Safari >= 9" test/less/lazy-eval.less tmp/lazy-eval.css' ].join(' && ') }, 'sourcemap-test': { // quoted value doesn't seem to get picked up by time-grunt, or isn't output, at least; maybe just "sourcemap" is fine? command: [ 'node bin/lessc --source-map=test/sourcemaps/maps/import-map.map test/less/import.less test/sourcemaps/import.css', 'node bin/lessc --source-map test/less/sourcemaps/basic.less test/sourcemaps/basic.css' ].join(' && ') }, }, browserify: { browser: { src: ['./lib/less-browser/bootstrap.js'], options: { exclude: ['promise'], browserifyOptions: { standalone: 'less', noParse: ['clone'] } }, dest: 'tmp/less.js' } }, concat: { options: { stripBanners: 'all', banner: '<%= meta.banner %>' }, browsertest: { src: COMPRESS_FOR_TESTS ? '<%= uglify.test.dest %>' : '<%= browserify.browser.dest %>', dest: 'test/browser/less.js' }, dist: { src: '<%= browserify.browser.dest %>', dest: 'dist/less.js' } }, uglify: { options: { banner: '<%= meta.banner %>', mangle: true, compress: { pure_getters: true } }, dist: { src: ['<%= concat.dist.dest %>'], dest: 'dist/less.min.js' }, test: { src: '<%= browserify.browser.dest %>', dest: 'tmp/less.min.js' } }, eslint: { target: ['Gruntfile.js', 'test/**/*.js', 'lib/less*/**/*.js', 'bin/lessc', '!test/browser/jasmine-jsreporter.js', '!test/less/errors/plugin/plugin-error.js' ], options: { configFile: '.eslintrc.json' } }, connect: { server: { options: { port: 8081 } } }, jasmine: { options: { keepRunner: true, host: 'http://localhost:8081/', vendor: [ './node_modules/phantomjs-polyfill-object-assign/object-assign-polyfill.js', 'test/browser/vendor/promise.js', 'test/browser/jasmine-jsreporter.js', 'test/browser/common.js', 'test/browser/less.js' ], template: 'test/browser/test-runner-template.tmpl' }, main: { // src is used to build list of less files to compile src: [ 'test/less/*.less', '!test/less/plugin-preeval.less', // uses ES6 syntax // Don't test NPM import, obviously '!test/less/plugin-module.less', '!test/less/import-module.less', '!test/less/javascript.less', '!test/less/urls.less', '!test/less/empty.less' ], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-main-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-main-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-main.html' } }, legacy: { src: ['test/less/legacy/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-legacy-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-legacy-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-legacy.html' } }, strictUnits: { src: ['test/less/strict-units/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-strict-units-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-strict-units-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-strict-units.html' } }, errors: { src: ['test/less/errors/*.less', '!test/less/errors/javascript-error.less', 'test/browser/less/errors/*.less'], options: { timeout: 20000, helpers: 'test/browser/runner-errors-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-errors-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-errors.html' } }, noJsErrors: { src: ['test/less/no-js-errors/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-no-js-errors-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-no-js-errors-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-no-js-errors.html' } }, browser: { src: ['test/browser/less/*.less', 'test/browser/less/plugin/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-browser-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-browser-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-browser.html' } }, relativeUrls: { src: ['test/browser/less/relative-urls/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-relative-urls-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-relative-urls-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-relative-urls.html' } }, rewriteUrls: { src: ['test/browser/less/rewrite-urls/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rewrite-urls-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-rewrite-urls-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rewrite-urls.html' } }, rootpath: { src: ['test/browser/less/rootpath/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rootpath.html' } }, rootpathRelative: { src: ['test/browser/less/rootpath-relative/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-relative-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-relative-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rootpath-relative.html' } }, rootpathRewriteUrls: { src: ['test/browser/less/rootpath-rewrite-urls/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-rewrite-urls-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-rootpath-rewrite-urls-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-rootpath-rewrite-urls.html' } }, production: { src: ['test/browser/less/production/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-production-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-production-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-production.html' } }, modifyVars: { src: ['test/browser/less/modify-vars/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-modify-vars-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-modify-vars-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-modify-vars.html' } }, globalVars: { src: ['test/browser/less/global-vars/*.less'], options: { helpers: 'test/browser/runner-global-vars-options.js', specs: 'test/browser/runner-global-vars-spec.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-global-vars.html' } }, postProcessorPlugin: { src: ['test/less/postProcessorPlugin/*.less'], options: { helpers: ['test/plugins/postprocess/index.js','test/browser/runner-postProcessorPlugin-options.js'], specs: 'test/browser/runner-postProcessorPlugin.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-post-processor-plugin.html' } }, preProcessorPlugin: { src: ['test/less/preProcessorPlugin/*.less'], options: { helpers: ['test/plugins/preprocess/index.js','test/browser/runner-preProcessorPlugin-options.js'], specs: 'test/browser/runner-preProcessorPlugin.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-pre-processor-plugin.html' } }, visitorPlugin: { src: ['test/less/visitorPlugin/*.less'], options: { helpers: ['test/plugins/visitor/index.js','test/browser/runner-VisitorPlugin-options.js'], specs: 'test/browser/runner-VisitorPlugin.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-visitor-plugin.html' } }, filemanagerPlugin: { src: ['test/less/filemanagerPlugin/*.less'], options: { helpers: ['test/plugins/filemanager/index.js','test/browser/runner-filemanagerPlugin-options.js'], specs: 'test/browser/runner-filemanagerPlugin.js', outfile: 'tmp/browser/test-runner-filemanager-plugin.html' } } }, 'saucelabs-jasmine': sauceJobs, // Clean the version of less built for the tests clean: { test: ['test/browser/less.js', 'tmp', 'test/less-bom'], 'sourcemap-test': ['test/sourcemaps/*.css', 'test/sourcemaps/*.map'], sauce_log: ['sc_*.log'] } }); // Load these plugins to provide the necessary tasks grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-saucelabs'); require('jit-grunt')(grunt); // by default, run tests grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'test' ]); // Release grunt.registerTask('dist', [ 'browserify:browser', 'concat:dist', 'uglify:dist' ]); // Create the browser version of less.js grunt.registerTask('browsertest-lessjs', [ 'browserify:browser', 'uglify:test', 'concat:browsertest' ]); // Run all browser tests grunt.registerTask('browsertest', [ 'browsertest-lessjs', 'connect', 'jasmine' ]); // setup a web server to run the browser tests in a browser rather than phantom grunt.registerTask('browsertest-server', [ 'browsertest-lessjs', 'jasmine::build', 'connect::keepalive' ]); var previous_force_state = grunt.option('force'); grunt.registerTask('force',function(set) { if (set === 'on') { grunt.option('force',true); } else if (set === 'off') { grunt.option('force',false); } else if (set === 'restore') { grunt.option('force',previous_force_state); } }); grunt.registerTask('sauce', [ 'browsertest-lessjs', 'jasmine::build', 'connect', 'sauce-after-setup' ]); grunt.registerTask('sauce-after-setup', [ 'saucelabs-jasmine:all', 'clean:sauce_log' ]); var testTasks = [ 'clean', 'eslint', 'shell:test', 'shell:opts', 'shell:plugin', 'browsertest' ]; if (isNaN(Number(process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST, 10)) && Number(process.env.TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION) === 4 && (process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH === 'master' || process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH === '3.x')) { testTasks.push('force:on'); testTasks.push('sauce-after-setup'); testTasks.push('force:off'); } // Run all tests grunt.registerTask('test', testTasks); // Run shell option tests (includes deprecated options) grunt.registerTask('shell-options', ['shell:opts']); // Run shell plugin test grunt.registerTask('shell-plugin', ['shell:plugin']); // Run all tests grunt.registerTask('quicktest', testTasks.slice(0, -1)); // generate a good test environment for testing sourcemaps grunt.registerTask('sourcemap-test', [ 'clean:sourcemap-test', 'shell:sourcemap-test', 'connect::keepalive' ]); // Run benchmark grunt.registerTask('benchmark', [ 'shell:benchmark' ]); };